while we wouldn’t consider all spray paint on buildings to be street art, we are fans of real street art, which can be seen everywhere in la! from shepard fairey, kenny scharf, and retna on the west hollywood library, to hidden gems courtesy of banksy spread throughout the city. a man who has recently appeared in la is the secretive chinese artist, daleast, and we are fans! journeying over from capetown, africa in 2012 to make his rounds across the us, daleast is gaining popularity with his incredible new style of street art. his intricacy and attention to detail is jaw dropping, and the meaning he finds in these pieces is even more intriguing. take the time to read his interview with arrested motion, you will not regret it! and check out some of his beautiful work below! his appearance in la is actually outside of los angeles, on the newhall paint store in newhall (a new hub of santa clarita)  if you happen to be in the area!

wall mural in miami, florida

wall mural in santa clarita, california

wall mural in melun, in the south-eastern suburbs of paris

wall mural in honolulu, hawaii

wall mural in rochester, new york

wall mural in vienna, austria

all images via daily mail