project diaries: vintage remix favorites part 3

Apr 26, 2013 | book, clients, design, favorite things, favorites, giveaway, inspiration, love, project diaries, projects, unique, vintage, whats hot | 0 comments

i hope you are enjoying this month’s profile of some of our favorite projects! i also hope that you have already entered our vintage remix giveaway going on this month! be sure to enter to win a copy of vintage remix signed by yours truly (details here)!

every project i embark on with a client is equally unique and exciting. this particular project was a blast to work on. our client did not want to shy away from fun, bold colors which is always ideal for me! we set out to create an inviting and masculine ambiance, utilizing unique and vintage finds to add that extra layer of interest. another plus with this project was that this client wasn’t necessarily pinned down to one era or style of design, which allowed us the freedom to create a space that incorporated a mix of pieces, resulting in a uniquely fresh environment filled with pops of color.



via kishani perera inc.